Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The above post is a snapshot of a picture on a computer screen taken off the blog of Emilie Wood (www.emilewood.com) of a photo she took at the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show in Ketchikan, Alaska, May 22, 2007.

For more information regarding the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show, please visit their website at: www.lumberjacksports.com

Hear at PVP Headquarters, we are testing out a new system of mobile uploading and chose this image as our OTI (Official Test Image. After significant technical difficulty, due to poor directions, this pix message was finally sent directly to the blog using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless, which leaves a lot to be desired in terms of being user friendly. (Dear Steve Jobs, I will go to sleep tonight and dream of the iphone.)