My Dear Plaid Voyeurs,
As you may have noticed, we have been experiencing some technical difficulties in the last few weeks resulting from lost hand held plaid capturing devices. We are not sure to what this across the board lapse in memory is due, but seemingly everyone on staff here at PVP Headquarters has lost their cell phones at least three times this summer. We are taking this as a sign that we need to take a step back, a few deep deep breaths.....( As Willy Nelson says, breath from your heels...) get some fresh air, and take time to enjoy the beautiful weather. Everyone here is literally pawing at the door to get out and spend time out in the summer sunshine... so we are taking an office wide break.... a TPH, (Temporary Plaid Hiatus) if you will. When we get back, we will be fully MobileMe and iphone compatible!!!! (Enough whining, right?) Enjoy the waning summer everyone, and see y'all in Fall!