Friday, January 25, 2008
Today was a big day for those of us on PVP, PRD, (Package Receiving Detail) In the mail, via the USPS, we received an incredibly thoughtful and rather exotic gift from the donor known as THE CIGARETTE GIRL. She sent us a brand new ORANGE and WHITE Buffalo Plaid Fleece Blanket! The blanket was immediately installed in PVP headquarters as a instrumental piece of plaid recovery equipment. See image below: P.S. My head is full of snot and it's 12:37 am, and I'm up playing online scrabble with PVP supporter, code name: SHUE. Our game is near terminus and he's just shot ahead with BLITES on a triple word score for 40 points, to which I played P-L-A-I-D off of the 'I' in BLITES for a measly 11. Whatever...I'm cracked out on Tylenol pm, drinking coconut water mixed with lime seltzer ) The Official PVP, HBC (Hybrid-Hydrating Beverage of Choice). Oh my heck...